
Papers published by ICT scientists

1. Patensin, A saponin from Pulsatilla patens var. multifida. Ye, W; Ou, B; Jia, N.; Zhao, S.; Ye, T.; Mc Kerveyb, A.; Stevenson, P.; Phytochem.; 1995; 39 (4); 937-939.


2. Development and Validation of an Improved Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity Assay Using Fluorescein as the Fluorescent Probe. Ou, B; Hampsch-Woodill, M.; Prior, R. L.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2001; 49(10), 4619-4626. 


3. Separation and characterization of an anthocyanin, cyanidin-3-O-arabinosylglucoside from petals of flowers of pheasant's eye (Adonis aestivalis L.). Hammouri, Mahmoud K.; Al-Smadi, Mousa; Bataineh, Mahmoud S.; Ou, B;Intl. J. Bio-Chromatography 2001; 6(2); 73-183


4. Novel Fluorometric Assay for Hydroxyl Radical Prevention Capacity Using Fluorescein as the Probe. Ou, B; Hampsch-Woodill, M.; Flanagan, J.; Deemer, E. K.; Prior, R.; Huang, D.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2002; 50(10); 2772-2777.


5. High-Throughput Assay of Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) Using a Multichannel Liquid Handling System Coupled with a Microplate Fluorescence Reader in 96-Well Format. Huang, D.; Ou, B; Hampsch-Woodill, M.; Flanagan, J. A.; Prior, R. L.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2002; 50(16); 4437-4444.


6. Development and Validation of Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity Assay for Lipophilic Antioxidants Using Randomly Methylated Cyclodextrin as the Solubility Enhancer. Huang, D.; Ou, B; Hampsch-Woodill, M.; Flanagan, J. A.; Deemer, E. K.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2002; 50(7); 1815-1821.


7. Analysis of Antioxidant Activities of Common Vegetables Employing Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity (ORAC) and Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP) Assays: A Comparative Study. Ou, B; Huang, D.; Hampsch-Woodill, M.; Flanagan, J. A.; Deemer, E. K.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2002; 50 (11); 3122-3128.


8. Antioxidant Activity and Phenolic Content of Oregon Caneberries. Wada, L.; Ou, BJ. Agric. Food Chem.; 2002; 50(12); 3495-3500.


9. Assays for Hydrophilic and Lipophilic Antioxidant Capacity (oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORACFL) of Plasma and Other biological and Food Samples. Prior, R.; Hoang, H.; Gu L.; Wu, X.; Bacchiocca, M.; Howard, L.; Hampsch-Woodill, M.; Huang, D.; Ou, B; Jacob, R.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2003; 51(11);3273-3279. 


10. Anthocyanin and Proanthocyanidin Content in Selected White and Red Wines. Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity Comparison with Nontraditional Wines Obtained from Highbush Blueberry. Sanchez-Moreno, C.; Cao, G.;Ou, B; Prior, R. L.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2003; 51(17); 4889-4896. 


11. When East Meets West: The Relationship Between Yin-Yang and Antioxidation-Oxidation. Ou, B;Huang, D.; Hampsch-Woodill, M.; Flanagan, JA.; FASEB J. 2003; 17(2);127-129. 


12. The Antioxidant Properties of Tobacco. Rudo, B.; Ou, BTobacco Science 2004; 44; 71-73. 


13. Chemical Composition of Caneberry (Rubus spp.) Seeds and Oils and Their Antioxidant Potential. Bushman, S; Ou, B J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2004; 52, 7982-7987. 


14. The Chemistry Behind Dietary Antioxidant Capacity Assays (review). Huang, D; Ou, B; Prior, R. J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2005; 53, 1841-1856. 


15. High-Throughput Quantitation of Peroxyl Radical Scavenging Capacity in Bulk Oils. Hay, KX; Waisundara, VY; Timmins, M.; Ou, B;Pappalardo,K.; McHale, N.; Huang, D.; J.Agric. Food Chem.; 2006; 545299-5305. 


16. Procyanidin and Catechin Contents and Antioxidant Capacity of Cocoa and Chocolate Products. Gu, L; House, S; Wu, X; Ou, B; Prior, L.; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2006; 54, 4057-4061. 


17. Antioxidant Capacity and Other Bioactivities of the Freeze-Dried Amazonian Palm Berry, Euterpe oleraceaeMart. (Acai). Schauss, AG; Wu, X; Prior, L; Ou, B; Huang, D; Owens, J. J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2006; 54, 8598-8603. 


18. Antioxidant Activity and Polyphenol and Procyanidin Contents of Selected Commercially Available Cocoa-Containing and Chocolate Products in the United States. Miller,KB; Stuart, DA; Smith, NL; Lee,CY; McHale, NL; Flanagan, JA; Ou, B; Hurst, WJ; J. Agric. Food Chem.; 2006; 54, 4062-4068. 


19. Fluorescent Approach to Quantitation of Reactive Oxygen Species in Mainstream Cigarette Smoke. Ou, B and Huang, D. Anal. Chem.; 2006; 78, 3097-3103. 


20. Phytochemical and nutrient composition of the freeze-dried amazonian palm berry, Euterpe oleraceae mart. (acai). Schauss AG.; Wu X.; Prior RL.; Ou, B; Patel D.; Huang, D.; Kababick, JP.J Agric Food Chem.; 2006, 54:8598-8603. 


21. Quantification of polyphenols and ergothioneine in cultivated mushrooms and correlation to total antioxidant capacity. Dubosta, N. J.; Ou, B; Beelman, R.B.; Food Chem.; 2007; 105, 727-735. 


22. Impact of alkalization on the antioxidant and flavanol content of commercial cocoa powders. Miller, KB; Hurst, WJ; Payne, MJ; Stuart, DA; Apgar, J; Sweigart DS; Ou, BJ Agric Food Chem.; 2008, 56, 8527-8533. 


23. Novel high-throughput assay for antioxidant capacity against superoxide anion. Zhang, L; Huang, D; Kondo, M; Fan, E; Ji, HP; Kou, Y; Ou, BJ Agric Food Chem.; 2009 57, 2661-2667. 


24. Preservation of Cocoa Antioxidant Activity, Total Polyphenols, Flavan-3-ols, and Procyanidin Content in Foods Prepared with Cocoa Powder. Stahl, L; Miller, KB; Apgar, J; Sweigart, DS; Stuart, DA; McHale, N; Ou, B; Kondo, M; Hurst, WJ. J Food Sci.; 2009; 74, C456-C461. 


25. Effect of a mangosteen dietary supplement on human immune function: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Tang, YP; Li, PG; Kondo, M; Ji, HP; Kou, Y; Ou, B J Med Food.; 2009, 12, 755-763. 


26. Bioavailability and Antioxidant Effects of a Xanthone-Rich Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana) Product in Humans. Kondo, M; Zhang, L; Ji, HP; Kou, Y; Ou, BJ. Agric. Food Chem.; 2009, 19, 8788-8792. 


27. Survey of Commercially Available Chocolate- and Cocoa-Containing Products in the United States. 2. Comparison of Flavan-3-ol Content with Nonfat Cocoa Solids, Total Polyphenols, and Percent Cacao. Miller, KB; Hurst, WJ; Flannigan, N; Ou, B; Lee, CY; Smith, N; Stuart, DA. J Agric Food Chem.; 2009, 19, 9169-9180. 


28. Determination of total procyanidins in selected chocolate and confectionery products using DMAC. Payne, MJ; Hurst, WJ; Stuart, DA; Ou, B; Fan, E; Ji, HP; Kou, Y; J AOAC Int. 2010, 93, 89-96. 


29. Type 2 diabetes-related bioactivities of coffee: Assessment of antioxidant activity, NF-κB inhibtition, and stimulation of glucose uptake. Chu, Y-F; Chen, Y; Blacka, R.M.; Brown, P.H.; Lyle, B.J.; Liu, .H.; Ou, BFood Chem. 2011; 124, 914-920. 


30. The antioxidant and chlorogenic acid profiles of whole coffee fruits are influenced by the extraction procedures. Mullen, W; Nemzer, B; Ou, B; Stalmach, A; Hunter, J; Clifford, MN; Combet, E.; J Agric Food Chem.; 2011, 59, 3754-3762. 


31. Supercritical CO2 Decaffeination of Unroasted Coffee Beans Produces Melanoidins with Distinct NF-κB Inhibitory Activity. Chen, Y; Brown, PH; Hu, K; Black, RM; Prior, RL; Ou, B; Chu, Y-F; J Food Sci.; 2011, 76, H182–H186. 


32. Bioactivities of crude caffeine: Antioxidant activity, cyclooxygenase-2 inhibition, and enhanced glucose uptake. Chu, Y-F; Chen, Y; Brown, PH; Lyle, BJ; Black, RM; Cheng, IH; Ou, B; Prior, RL; Food Chem.; 2012, 131, 564-568. 


33. Processed Tart Cherry Products—Comparative Phytochemical Content, in vitro Antioxidant Capacity and in vitro Antiinflammatory Activity. Ou, B;Bosak, KN; Brickner,PR; Iezzoni, DG; Seymour, EM; J Food Sci2012;77(5):H105-12

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